Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Infinity Edge Pool

This infinity edge pool produces the illusion of disappearing into the horizon by merging into the ocean beyond. In reality, there's perhaps 20m of public beach between the lip of the pool and the shore.

This pool is the prize attraction of Infinity Bay, Roatán.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Here's a closer look at SBX-1, the first and only Sea-Based X-Band Radar, which was recently spotted from downtown. It's massive.

Two of its six 3.6MW Caterpillar generator sets are running here. You can see the usual level it sits in the water; it's the change in paint color on the pontoons to the right.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pond Grass

The pond grass grows beyond the surface so its seed can disperse. Surface tension tugs a bulge of water up each stalk. Sunlight is focused by the buttons of curved water. Wind riffles the surface of the water, distorting the reflections.

There's so much happening here!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

X-band Radar

West Seattle lurks on the horizon. Smith Tower stands proudly. And an odd piece of military hardware is sitting in a Harbor Island shipyard.

The Missile Defense Agency's X-band Radar is visible as a white dome beyond the container cranes closest to downtown. It sits atop a 28-story platform, which is self-propelled. It will roam the Pacific, scanning the sky for missiles.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sunset Jog

Jogging off into the sunset, along the northern edge of Field 4 in Magnuson Park.

This evening provided a hint of warm summer evenings to come. They're not here yet; as soon as one is overcome by shadow and the sun sets, it cools sharply.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Late Tulip

Mid-May is not typically an appropriate time to spot tulips in Seattle, but it's been a cold spring. The Skagit Valley Tulip Festival concludes annually at the end of April, when many tulips are were just getting going.

This one looks like a 'Ballerina' tulip, though I'm no expert. Seen on 42nd Ave NE, an unusual and winding one-lane through street.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

de Havilland Beaver

The de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver was a very successful post-war bush plane, and this is one of the last few off the line. This one is Kenmore Air's N1455T, first delivered on Mar 8, 1966.

Previous owners have included the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Trans North Turbo (of Whitehorse), and Alaska Sky-Craft (of Anchorage). Kenmore Air removed its original fixed landing gear and replaced it with floats so it could operate as a seaplane.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Great Blue Heron

This Great Blue Heron is happy, as it's just finished a successful hunt. The fish it just plucked out of the marsh is still a lump in its throat, and in a moment it will fly away.

I have no idea how it was able to pick a route to fly through the tangled tree limbs and get out of the marsh, as it has an impressive wingspan and would take some forethought to maneuver.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Blue Walkway

2nd floor, Seattle City Hall. It's made from glass, and glows from below when it's bright outside.

Hard to keep clean.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Fifth & James

Fifth Ave & James St, from twelve stories up, at 4:30pm.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Relay Mail

A relay mailbox is neither a source or a destination for US Postal Service mail. It's an intermediate waypoint, part of the distribution system. Sorted mail arrives here, and the local postman can then pick it up without having to visit the station.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Backlit Rhodos

These rhododendron flowers are lit from behind by evening light. With a perfect natural black background, they're quite striking.

I don't really understand the season for rhodo blooms, as some have been out for ages and others won't be ready for weeks yet.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cans Paper Waste Glass

Recycling is a minefield, mostly because the rules for accepted materials differ wildly between cities, and often even between facilities within a city. Requiring users to scrutinize bottles for recessed markings like #2 HDPE (and carefully discarding #4 LDPE) causes lower rates of participation. Not to mention that people get it wrong anyway.

Fully commingled recycling makes more sense in almost every way.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Despite cursory research, I can't tell what kind of turtle these guys are. They're enjoying a warm day on the shore of Lake Washington.

They're probably not the rare Western pond turtle, they don't look like Snapping turtles, and they don't really share the markings of Painted turtles. I'll conceded defeat, and call them Mystery turtles.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Expansion Joint

This is an expansion joint on the western highrise of the Evergreen Point Floating Bridge. Joints like this are needed on large structures to allow controlled movement between otherwise rigid sections, without causing stress or damage.

Expansion joints are especially necessary on floating bridge decks, which rise and fall with the level of the water. Lake Washington isn't tidal, but its water level isn't perfectly constant.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Cherry Blossom Carnage

Nobody's safe when the cherry blossoms choose to come off the trees. They come in pink blizzards, spurred on by recent rain.

Here is what befell a neighboring car, and it was only parked overnight.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mallard Ducklings

This flush of ducklings had a hard go when they stepped over the grating, as their wee ducky feet slipped through and a few got temporarily stuck. It's a very successful brood of ten for the mother mallard who's leading them out of the frame.

I wonder what would happen if one were scooped away. Would she grieve? Does she know them individually? Would the siblings notice?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Warmer weather brings out an urge to head outside and throw things. A baseball works well, and it is satisfying to both throw and catch. It's a wee bit bigger and less dense than a cricket ball, but otherwise very similar.

Time to work on my knuckleball!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Beef & Mushroom Pie

This delicious pie is from the Australian Pie Company, inconveniently located in Burien. It's a beef & mushroom pie, and they got it just right. Yum!

It is surprising that American's haven't figured out the joy that is a single-serve meat pie.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Washington Yacht Club Rescue

Two rookie sailors have overturned their Laser sailboat in Lake Washington, and were unable to right it. Their struggling was observed from shore, and the Washington Yacht Club came to their rescue.

Per club bylaws, the rescue barge is normally to be used only by Chiefs, Instructors and Ratings Examiners. However, in an emergency, any member can commandeer it.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bald Eagle

This bald eagle was cruising around Laurelhurst and being hassled by crows, until it set down to collect some veggies. I imagine that grass complements its usual fishy diet.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Juanita Pilings

A ferry once served Juanita, and here are the remains of the pilings of its dock. The overhead view gives some context.

For a cyclist touring Lake Washington, one might think that this stop is "pretty much up to the top of the lake" if headed counter-clockwise. This is far from the truth, as there are 6 hilly miles in the distance before reaching Kenmore.

My poor legs were recently caught in this folly.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

St. Johns Bridge

The St. Johns Bridge spans the Willamette River in Portland. Its planning and initial construction predated nation-building WPA projects of the 1930s, and was finished in 1931. It's quite elegant.

Hiking a bit allows for a far better perspective of the bridge from Forest Park.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Patullo Bridge

The Patullo Bridge, crossing the Fraser River, in fading afternoon light. Built in the heart of the depression public works era (1936-37). Like many bridges and viaducts of that time, its approaches were originally creosoted timber. This allowed vagrants (or an arsonist) to set the Surrey end ablaze in 2009, forcing its closure for over a week.

Similar wooden trestles are gradually being replaced throughout BC and Washington.

Monday, May 2, 2011

A True Champion

This brave GSM phone endured the full 40 minutes of a Normal washing cycle by our none-too-gentle Kenmore washing machine. Detergent, a warm wash and rinse temperature, followed by a vigorous spin cycle did nothing to deaden its spirits. It took a day to dry out, and the LCD display is now a bit uneven, but never mind. It is a survivor!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Managed Forest

Forests that have been logged and replanted end up as an odd monoculture of identical diameter trunks. Some replantings are organized in rows, but even when seedlings are placed randomly, the resulting forest is far from natural.

It's tree farming, not forestry.