Friday, October 30, 2015

Point Pelee

Point Pelee stretches into Lake Erie and is the southernmost point of Canada that you can walk to.  (Pelee Island, and Middle Island beyond that, make up the southernmost parts of the country). The sand of the point itself shifts from year to year depending on the level of the lake and the way the currents choose to swirl.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wurlitzer Building

It wasn't quite sold along with a coffee, but the Wurlitzer Building was sold for perhaps $1.1M (or $1.4M, depending on who you believe) in May of this year.  Plans are to turn it into a luxury hotel.

Good luck to the buyer!  There was no evidence of any renovation at all in October.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Heildelberg Project, Detroit

The Heidelberg Project limps on, while Detroit continues to decline.  Many of the houses that had striking and original decorations have burned down since my last visit.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Backlit Fir

A backlit fir guards the trail on the way to Guye Peak, on a separate outing than the last.  I was scouting possible snowshoeing routes, and gaining familiarity with the terrain.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Guye Peak from Snoqualmie Mountain

Guye Peak is the knob in the center; Commonwealth Basin stretches out to the left (east) of it.  Cave Ridge between this vantage point leading up to Snoqualmie Mountain and the saddle separating Commonwealth Basin and Alpental.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Maple Leaves Turning

Now, fall is underway.  Trees that haven't gotten enough water are the first to turn.  This maple is very yellow, while others around it still have useful green leaves.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Golden Gardens

Summer isn't quite over.  Plenty of folks are enjoying a weekday evening at Golden Gardens, facing the Olympics across Puget Sound.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Huskies vs California

I've spent a number of years living near the University of Washington, but only just now have attended a Huskies game.  The weather was lovely, and the crowd lively.